IPNP seminar (spring 2025)

A945 (ÚČJF)



V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8
Josef Žáček (ÚČJF MFF UK), Milan Krticka (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Milan Krticka (Charles University (CZ)), Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University (CZ))

Seminar on current problems of experimental and theoretical nuclear and particle physics, and other current topics.

Student Information System: NJSF091, NJSF092, NJSF191, NJSF192, NJSF151, NJSF152

The seminar takes place in the meeting room A945, exceptionally with connection via ZOOM: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/94528789339?pwd=aTJVdENaZEU5VjdTUzc3SjFZL3Rqdz09

    • 16:00 17:00
      The 205Pb/205Tl s-process cosmochronometer 1h

      The seminar takes place in meeting room A945.

      Speaker: Dr Riccardo Mancino (Charles University)
    • 16:00 17:00
      State of thermonuclear fusion research 1h

      The seminar takes place in meeting room A945.

      Speaker: Radomír Pánek (Institute of Plasma Physics CAS)
    • 16:00 17:00
      Surfing the Light: Probing Strong Field Effects with Flying-Focus Pulses 1h

      The seminar takes place in meeting room A945.

      Speaker: Martin Stack Formanek (ELI Beamlines)