Technical Group Meeting


Some discussion and homework 

0)   Get information from Jetseals - Larry 


1)   Conceptual design and options for electronics -- Steven is arraning a meeting with Sergio, Aleksey and others. 


2) Cabling options to get cables across to the feedthroughs.   --  Everyone ?


3) Concepts for light readout.  --  Jianming ? Trigger ? Time tagging for LHC bunch. 


4) Electrical field calculations in the gap  -- Yichen using comsol. 

Comsol -- can it use stp files ? 

5) electrical field calculation in special positions near the cathode  -- Yichen using comsol


6) Some simulations studies to understand the fiducial losses due to gaps.  --  Matteo/ Wenjie 

Pixel simulation  ? -- full simulation is not ready yet, but an effective simulation could be done with just different binning. 

--- Put some deadlines and get the simulation note finished. 

--- Get comments on simulation note by May 15. 

7)  Settle on a very small prototype /  using BNL 260 liter system  ?

---  Keep it < 10 cm drift.   16 channels of pixels,  and 8 channels of SiPMs. 

---  Readout out of the liquid. 

---  Aleksey ?





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