Discussion regarding the physics and detector design for the Forward Physics Facility at the LHC.
Some notes from the FPF4 workshop
1) Boyd: Physics Beyond Collider group: the new shaft and tunnel facility will be considered the baseline. Costs including essential services is estimated to be ~40MCHF
New HL-LHC schedule has run 3 extended by 1 year
Long shutdown now 3 years extended by 6 months.
Detector installation 2030-2032.
Higher luminosity anticipated in out years (7.5 10^34 cm-2 sec-1 )
(has big impact on experiments).
2) Nevay: careful estimates of radiation losses and muon fluxes in progress.
Need to understand the numbers with a sweeper magnet.
3) excellent progress on scientific case. Much work needed to coordinate detectors.
4) Need a detector case that addresses all issues.