The meeting was attended by Millnd Diwan , "Marciano, William" , "Qian, Xin" , Hooman Davoudiasl , "Tricoli, Alessandro" , "Denton, Peter" , "Carini, Gabriella" , "Assamagan, Ketevi" , "Begel, Michael" , "Nomerotski, Andrei" , "Stewart, James" , "Asner, David" , Jonathan Lee Feng , Maria Vittoria Garzelli , Felix Kling ,"Bishai, Mary" 1) Felix will take us through the plots of BSM sensitivities for the forward physics scenarios. The slides are attached. 2) Let’s also discuss the workshop on May 27-28. In particular, we should consider how to think about the scientific requirements for the facility. What are the scientific goals ? How do those goals influence the detector that people would like to have ? Some questions and follow up. Mary: I have a very naïve question – on slide 7, I would have expected lepton universality to apply to all 3 flavor CC interactions at 1 TeV, but the nutau still appears lower than the numu and nue. Are there some significant FSI/nuclear effects that are causing a reduction in the xsec? I note the calculation is done on Tungsten which is a very heavy nucleus. Felix: Yes, you are right. Lepton universality should (at least approximately) apply to all three flavours at 1TeV. For this estimate I have used the cross section from our FASERv letter of intent ( I attached the relevant figure below. We can see that the tau neutrino cross section should be O(10%) smaller than the muon neutrino cross section, which is what we also see in my slides. So that seems consistent. Also note that in my slides, I am showing the average of the neutrino/antineutrino cross section. However, this is not what we would measure, since the fluxes are not fully symmetric, especially at the highest energies. We should think about a better way to display these sensitivities, but I think the plot already gets the main points across. Denton: One could define a FASERnu weighted average that is whatever the average is at the LHC. When other experiments measure a different weighted average one could then translate them or keep them the same and label them correctly or whatever.