Joint INFN-UNIMI-UNIMIB Pheno Seminars

Journal Club on 2410.12904 and 2410.19088

by Matteo Marcoli (University of Durham), Petr Jakubcik (University of Zurich)

Aula 5071 (Milano Bicocca)

Aula 5071

Milano Bicocca


Blackboard talks on recent papers about new developments in subtraction methods and multi-loop amplitudes for LHC phenomenology

2410.12904 [Matteo Marcoli]: We define, construct and implement generalized antenna functions at NNLO (final-state only), characterized by having more than two hard radiators. These new antenna functions, equipped with suitable momentum mappings, allow to address almost colour-connected double emissions in a particularly straightforward way, bringing major simplifications in the subtraction infrastructure and significant computational speedup. Validation in the context of three-jet production at electron-positron colliders is discussed.

2410.19088 (and 2307.15405) [Petr Jakubcik]: My talk summarises recent progress in the calculation of 3-loop amplitudes for Z+jet and H+jet production at N3LO in hadron collisions. I will describe how we evaluated the necessary master integrals and built out of them a basis of transcendental functions which are minimal and graded into groups with expected or spurious properties. With a few simple examples, I will demonstrate how this method constrains the form of a multiloop amplitude without an expensive reduction, and how we used it to discover surprising simplifications in H+jet amplitudes which will lead to their compact representation and efficient evaluation.