Registration is open!
The objective of the 11th International Workshop on Spinel Nitrides and Related Materials is to provide a forum for presentation and in-depth discussion of the latest progress in the continuously growing domain of advanced nitrides and related compounds (including oxynitrides, carbonitrides, nitridosilicates, nitiride-imides, azo-compounds etc.) having exceptional structural and functional properties applicable in extreme environments, microelectronics and energy.
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Conference photo from 2023:
The conference will take place in the Jagdschloss Niederwald in Rüdesheim on the Rhine River, Germany. The location of the workshop has a long history and goes back to 15th and 16th century. In July 1948 a meeting took place in the 'Grüner Salon', the so-called 'Niederwald Conference' with participation of Konrad Adenauer and the German heads of provinces, in which the foundation for today’s German Constitution was layed. In the mid - sixties the farming area was leased, and the Land of Hesse started step by step to convert the 'Jagdschloss' into a modern hotel and a place of exquisite hospitality suitable for the organization of such kind of exclusive scientific workshops. The location provides all the required features for hosting a small group of international experts to intensely present and discuss their newest research results in a quiet environment far from other activities. Moreover, the location is easily accessible from all over the world due to the neighboring international Frankfurt airport (1 h by public transport, 30 min by car).