UCLA Dark Matter 2020 Conference

PAB- 1-425 (UCLA)

PAB- 1-425


UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095

14th Symposium on 
Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the Universe.

THE CONFERENCE HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC.  We regret the inconvenience that this decision will certainly cause to those who had already made travel arrangements, but with the help of the Scientific Advisory Committee, the local organizers reached the conclusion that this was the right thing to do for the safety of everybody involved.  The SAC suggested to postpone the conference to March 2021 with a similar agenda, but given the uncertain situation with the epidemic we cannot commit to a new date.

For information on the venue and accommodations,  use the "UCLA Conference Website" link to the left or https://conferences.pa.ucla.edu/dark-matter-2020/

After you register, to pay for the registration and/or additional banquet tickets, please use the "Registration-Payment" link to the left or  https://commerce.cashnet.com/DM2020 

Please note that early registration will finish Jan. 31st, 2020, at 16:00 (4pm) Pacific Time, after which the regular registration period will extend to March 16th, and late registration will start on March 17th.

for the UCLA Dark Matter 2020: Please note that, although after submitting your information in the initial registration page you will see in a green banner the message "Your registration has been completed", the registration is actually not complete until you pay the registration fee. To pay it please follow the link “Registration - payment” in the menu on the left-hand side of this page. Also note that early registration ($525) will finish on Jan. 31, 2020 at 4pm Pacific Time, after which the regular registration ($600) period with extend to Feb. 29th. The late registration fee will be $700 on March 17th.
  • Aldo Ianni
  • Aldo Morselli
  • Alexander Lazar
  • Alexis Plascencia
  • Alissa Monte
  • Alvaro Chavarria
  • Alyson Brooks
  • Andrea Mitridate
  • Andreas Biekert
  • Andrew Benson
  • Andrew Sonnenschein
  • Anna Nierenberg
  • Balint Radics
  • Bjoern Penning
  • Brian Campbell-Deem
  • Brian Shuve
  • Cameron Bravo
  • Carlos Blanco
  • Carsten Krauss
  • Carsten Rott
  • Chiara Capelli
  • Chris Karwin
  • Cristiano Galbiati
  • Cristina Ferreira
  • Daniel Baxter
  • Daniel Gilman
  • Daniel McKeown
  • Daniel McKinsey
  • Danielle Norcini
  • David Jacobs
  • Dev Ashish Khaitan
  • Devon Powell
  • Djuna Croon
  • Eddie Chang
  • Edoardo Vitagliano
  • Elena Aprile
  • Elisabeth Krause
  • Emilija Pantic
  • Eric Dahl
  • Ethan Nadler
  • Evan Shockley
  • Ewan Hill
  • Fei Gao
  • Frank Calaprice
  • Gabriel Vasquez
  • Gabriele Piperno
  • George Fuller
  • Giulia Despali
  • Gordan Krnjaic
  • Govert Schilling
  • Graciela Gelmini
  • Greg Rischbieter
  • Guillaume Giroux
  • Gustavo Salinas
  • Hanguo Wang
  • Heyang Long
  • Howard Baer
  • Hugh Lippincott
  • Ibles Olcina Samblas
  • Ibrahim Safa
  • Jeffrey Lazar
  • Jihee Yang
  • Jim Whitmore
  • Johannes Bernhard
  • Jonathan Lee Feng
  • Jonghee Yoo
  • juan estrada
  • Jung-Tsung Li
  • Junsong Lin
  • Karl Van Bibber
  • Katherine Freese
  • Kathryn Zurek
  • Kerstin Perez
  • Kev Abazajian
  • Kevin Andrade
  • Kevin Lesko
  • Kuehn Susanne
  • Kuver Sinha
  • Kyungseop Yoon
  • Laura Baudis
  • Lindley Winslow
  • Luca Pagani
  • Luigi Pio Rignanese
  • Maria Elena Monzani
  • Maria Martinez
  • Mariano Lopez
  • Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
  • Michael Shamma
  • Milena Crnogorcevic
  • Moritz Fischer
  • Mukul Sholapurkar
  • Nassim Bozorgnia
  • Nathan Herring
  • Nicholas Martinez
  • Nigel Smith
  • Nikki Arendse
  • Ningqiang Song
  • Osmond Wen
  • Pablo Garcia Abia
  • Paolo Gondolo
  • Patrick Stengel
  • Paul Hamilton
  • Peter F Smith
  • Philip Lu
  • Philip Von Doetinchem
  • Pierluigi BELLI
  • Priscilla Cushman
  • Quentin ARNAUD
  • Quentin Riffard
  • Raphael Errani
  • Rex Tayloe
  • Reyco Henning
  • Robyn Sanderson
  • Rocco Coppejans
  • Roland Allen
  • Rouven Essig
  • Ryan Underwood
  • Saad Al Kenany
  • Scott Haselschwardt
  • Sean Quinn
  • Shawn Westerdale
  • Sho Uemura
  • Shuailiang Ge
  • Stefan Knirck
  • Steffen Hagstotz
  • Sunil Golwala
  • Surjeet Rajendran
  • Sven Heinemeyer
  • Sven Vahsen
  • Tamer Eleyan
  • Tanner Trickle
  • Taylor Aralis
  • Thibaut Houdy
  • Tracy Slatyer
  • Tsuguo Aramaki
  • Vera Gluscevic
  • Vetri Velan
  • Vincent Lee
  • Volodymyr Takhistov
  • William Thompson
  • Wolfgang Enzi
  • Xuefeng Ding
  • Xuejian Shen
  • Yanou Cui
  • Yen-Yung Chang
  • Yiming Zhong
  • Yiming Zhong
  • Yong Yang
  • Youjia Wu
  • Zhengkang Zhang