10 years ago the ATLAS and CMS experiments announced the discovery of a new particle in the search for the standard model (SM) Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is a cornerstone of the standard model, giving rise to the masses of the fundamental vector bosons and fermions and the particle we found looks to be the missing piece of the most successful model of fundamental physics to date. Far from being the end of a long search, the discovery of the particle started a long-term programme of precision studies of its properties and its compatibility with the SM Higgs boson. As the Higgs boson turns 10 years old, we can celebrate its discovery as a great success of the LHC but we’ve certainly not been idle with this find. In this seminar, I will discuss some of the Higgs boson measurements performed by CMS since the discovery of the Higgs boson and explain how we’re using these measurements to hunt for physics beyond the SM. I will cover recent measurements, and their interpretations, using data from Run-2 of the LHC and present a forward look to what we can hope to achieve with the upcoming data in future runs of the LHC and even future particle collider experiments in the quest to discover new physics beyond the SM.