The purpose of this workshop is to raise awareness of gender issues in our field and to develop actions to address gender inequality.
Two half days of the workshop will be devoted to gender issues, with talks presenting statistics on female participation at different career stages and the effects of actions to improve the situation. The gender sessions will be interactive, with participants encouraged to contribute their own experiences and ideas. After the workshop, we plan to produce a report on possible actions and circulate this to the wider community.
The other sessions of the workshop will be devoted to recent developments in theoretical physics, with review talks on topical subjects. There will also be the possibility for short contributed talks by early career researchers.
This workshop is the third of this kind (the first workshop on string theory and gender took place in Valencia in July 2015 and the second took place in Paris in June 2016). We would like to encourage men and women, junior and senior scientists, to participate in the workshop.
Gender issues:
Mike Childress (Astronomy, University of Southampton) talk slides
Valerie Gibson (Experimental Particle Physics, University of Cambridge) talk slides
Wim van Saarloos (Director FOM/transition NWO and Theoretical Physics, Leiden University) talk slides
Overview talks:
Jan de Boer (University of Amsterdam) talk slides
Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) Cancelled last minute
James Drummond (University of Southampton) talk slides
Balt van Rees (University of Durham) talk slides
Anastasia Volovich (Brown University) Cancelled last minute (due to snowstorm in Boston)
(Unfortunately Anastasia Volovich and Claudia de Rham had to cancel their attendance at late notice due to snow storms in Boston etc. James kindly agreed to step in for Anastasia with one day's notice.)
Oscar Dias, Andy O'Bannon, Kostas Skenderis and Marika Taylor
Web Resources
American Physical Society: Women in Physics
IOP reports on gender issues in uptake of physics in UK