New Physics with Neutron Stars

Lecture Theatre 2 (4th floor) (Bush House, King's College London)

Lecture Theatre 2 (4th floor)

Bush House, King's College London

Strand, London WC2B 4BG, UK


Online Registration is now closed.  If you still wish to attend, please contact directly.  The event will take place in Bush House, 4th floor, Lecture theatre 2 and starts at 0940.

In celebration of the event of Jocelyn Bell Burnell giving the Higgs lecture here at King's College London on the evening of June 5th,  we are organising a small meeting on New Physics with Neutron Stars at King's College London on the 6th June 2024

Topics include neutron star equation of state, neutron star observations, gravitational waves using pulsar timing arrays,  gravitational waves from neutron star coalescence,  neutron stars as probes of dark matter.

There will also be a session on equality, diversity and inclusion in physics and STEM.


Debatri Chattopadhyay
Lina Levin Preston  
Jamie McDonald
Andreas Schmitt 
Alberto Vecchio 
Anna Watts

Attendance is free but places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Malcolm Fairbairn