15:20:17 De Philippe Gros : wget http://sphere.phy.queensu.ca:8321/share/ROOT.tar 15:21:43 De Philippe Gros : wget http://sphere.phy.queensu.ca:8321/share/ROOT.tar 15:30:39 De Jean-Marie Coquillat : wget http://sphere.phy.queensu.ca:8321/share/ROOT.tar 15:45:34 De Jean-Marie Coquillat : tar -xf ROOT.tar cd ROOT root script.C 15:47:56 De Jean-Marie Coquillat : this causes an error, since the function script() in the code is misspelled. You have to open the file, fix the function in the first line so that it also says script(), and then you can run the root file.