Turkish Physical Society 9th Internationally Participated Particle Accelerators and Applications Congress (UPHUK-IX)


5-6 September 2025, Bodrum Municipality Herodot Cultural Center, Bodrum/Muğla


Aims & Scope: The UPHUK-IX congress will provide an academic interaction platform for the scientists & researchers working in the field of particle accelerators and applications to share their experiences as well as to present current status of their scientific activities. The UPHUK-IX congress covers miscellaneous topics such as: colliders and other particle and nuclear physics accelerators, photon sources and electron accelerators, novel particle sources and acceleration techniques, hadron accelerators, beam dynamics, beam instrumentation and control, applications of accelerators, technology transfer and industrial relations.


  • Submitted abstracts for the UPHUK-IX congress will initially be subjected to peer-review evaluation by the Scientific Committee. 
  • As soon as the congress ends, full texts of the accepted proceedings will have the possibility to be published in Turkish Journal of Physics, indexed by "Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of WoS" and by "TR-Dizin of ULAKBİM" databases.


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