Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics (QTFP) aims to achieve orders of magnitude improvement in the sensitivity of a diverse range of experimental methods, pushing to the limits of what is quantum mechanically possible, thereby revealing new physics. To begin, I will outline what is being done in the UK and beyond to build the QTFP community. I will then focus on the pivotal role of superconducting quantum sensors in enabling a new generation of ultra-sensitive measurements for particle physics and astronomy. I will give an overview of the nature of the technology: covering device innovation, microcircuit manufacture and the realisation of ultra-sensitive measurement techniques; all of which must be done in the context of achieving quantum-limited performance across a wide range of wavelengths and masses. The development of this ultra-low-noise technology base is starting to enable new measurement techniques to be devised on the basis of concepts drawn from the rapidly advancing field of quantum information and measurement theory.
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