VIEnna Workshop on Simulations 2024

Lecture room: Seminar room 1 Campus Akademie (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Bäckerstrasse 13 A-1010 Vienna Austria

The VIEnna Workshop on Simulations 2024 (VIEWS24) aims to give an overview of the current state and challenges of low energy, particle background simulations with Geant4 for rare events searches. The workshop will be combined with a school so that new members of our community can familiarized themselves with Geant4 before participating in the workshop.

On the workshop we aim for an open exchange of our experiences with Geant4 simulation at low energies (i.e. roughly below 10 keV, going down to eV-scale), to discuss the challenges we encounter, and to share solutions we found, e.g. tuned Geant4 settings or Geant4 extension by dedicated program code. Hence, we welcome contributions from any kind of rare event searches, any kind of detector type or target material, and regardless of the actual background source. Beyond the simulation process itself, we are also interested in its “inputs”: models of the relevant physics processes and there applicability limits and measurements of low energy process as reference data. If there is common interest of the participants, we plan to write a common whitepaper to summarize the outcome of this workshop.

To summarize, the topics of the workshop are:

  • Geant4 simulation of low energy (<10 keV) backgrounds for rare event searches
    • Any rare event: Dark Matter, Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) experiments, etc.
    • Any kind of detector type: semiconductors, scintillators, cryogenic calorimeters, etc.
    • Any kind of target material: Si, Ge, CaWO4, etc.
    • Any kind of particle background source: radioactive contaminations, atmospheric neutrons at shallow sites, muon-induced background at deep underground sites, etc.
  • Challenges at low energies, e.g.
    • Unidentified backgrounds
    • Scarce experimental references data to calibrate the simulation to
    • Breakdown of physics models developed for higher energies
    • Growing impact of solid state effects
  • Solutions to the challenges, e.g.
    • Improved models for low energy processes
    • Measurement campaigns for experimental reference data
    • Tuned or extended code to improve Geant4 low energies
    • Alternative simulation codes dedicated to low energies


Local Organizing Committee:

  • Valentyna Mokina (chair)
  • Brigitte De Monte (secretary)
  • Samir Banik
  • Jens Burkhart
  • Holger Kluck *
* first expressed the idea of the workshop without the school and was a main contributor to the creation of the name "VIEWS".